Meet our members - Mike Kelly - My Story - Independence Day
Most people know the 4th of July as American independence day, but for me, it has a whole different meaning. On the 4th of july 2012 I...
Wednesday, 6th of July 2016
Warm up - Coaches choice 1 mile run 30 double unders 30 air squats 30 double unders 30 press ups 30 double unders 30 box jumps 30 double...
Tuesday, 5th of July 2016
Warm up - PVC pipe tekkers, building into barbell tekkers on clean and jerk A) 5 x 5 Clean and Jerk B) 10 rounds for time 8 x Push Press...
Monday, 4th of July 2016
Warm up - Mobilize and build to a heavy 3 rep front squat A) 5 x 3 Front squats B) 27 - 21 - 15 - 9 OH Squat 30/20 C2B Pull ups KB Snatch...
Friday, 1st of July 2016
Annie 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 Double unders Sit ups