Wednesday, 19th of October 2016
Heavy Grace 30 x clean & jerk 80kg/55kg
Tuesday, 18th of October 2016
A) Shoulder press - 5 x 3 B) Snatch 5 x 3 C) EMOM 10 minutes 10 x Double unders 15 x Press ups 20 x Squats
Monday, 17th of October 2016
A) Row 2000m B) WILLY Three rounds for time of: • Run 800 meters • 225 pound Front squat, 5 reps • Run 200 meters • 11 Chest to bar...
Friday, 14th of October 2016
Linda '3 bars of death' 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Deadlift 1 1/2 Bodyweight Bench 1 Bodyweight Clean 3/4 Bodyweight
Thursday, 13th of October 2016
A) AMRAP - 9 minutes - 50/35 With a partner complete - Max reps of front squats (Minimum 15 squats before you can swop) (When the bar is...
Wednesday, 12th of October 2016
A) 1 rep max back squat B) WOD : 10 minutes to complete 60 Box jumps Remaining time rest. After 10 minutes, start the next WOD
Tuesday, 11th of October 2016
A) 5 x 5 Floor Press B) 5 x 3 Deadlifts C) EMOM - 15 minutes 1. 5 x Strict Pull ups / 3 x Bar Muscle ups 2. 15 x Press ups / 8 x HSPU ...
Monday, 10th of October 2016
A) Max box jump B) ABBATE Run 1 mile 21 x Clean and Jerk 155lb Run 800m 21 x Clean and Jerk Run 1 mile
Coach Marv brings home the gold
So who said CrossFit makes you weak? Coach Marv took part this weekend at the North West Powerlifting Meet in the Wirral and took 1st place
Friday, 7th of October 2016
Kelly 5 rounds 400m run 30 x box jumps 24/20 30 x wall balls