Saturday 27th Sept 2014 - Workout Of The DayWarmup Mobility Squat Mobility Pullup Kipping Drills Active Stretching WOD x 3 Rounds for Time 5 x Burpees 21 x Thrusters 20kg 5 x Burpees 15 x Toes To Bar 5 x Burpees 9 x Pullups 5 x Burpees 400m Run
Warmup Mobility Squat Mobility Pullup Kipping Drills Active Stretching WOD x 3 Rounds for Time 5 x Burpees 21 x Thrusters 20kg 5 x Burpees 15 x Toes To Bar 5 x Burpees 9 x Pullups 5 x Burpees 400m Run